Published On: Fri, May 13th,

Top 10 Most Unusual Phobias You May Experience


Phobias are generally the consequence of a “amalgamation of external events (like traumatic events) and internal inclinations (for example genetics or heredity)”. People influenced by phobias may undergo an irrational fear of a subject supplemented by nausea and sweating, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat and rapid breathing. Surprisingly, most of these so-called strange phobias mildly or entirely exist among us, undiagnosed.

1. Fear Of Garlic: Alliumphobia

Alliumphobia is an extreme dread of garlic. Individuals having alliumphobia avoid using garlic at any cost and shake even when they see or smell it. Besides humans, mosquitoes and vampires are described to have alliumphobia. In Dracula by Bram Stoker, Professor Van Helsing imbues his apartment with garlic to avert evil spirits. Garlic sprays are utilized as result-oriented mosquito repellents. There are evidences odors and gases respired by an individual who has eaten amply of garlic may expel mosquitoes.

2. Fear of going to school: Didaskaleinophobia

Didaskaleinophobia is categorized by a hatred for school and upsets 5 % of the population. The main reason may be drawn back to learning disabilities (for example ADHD or dyslexia), an incapacity to survive with traumatic events or academic pressure. Traumatic events may involve bullying, being marginalized or oppressed, or being opposed in school. There is a need to treain teachers in order to counsel and nurture students and provide them special attention and time. It is surprising that a large number of people have grown up with the fear of homework absent pursuing counseling.

3. Fear of in-laws: Soceraphobia

Soceraphobia is categorized by endless hesitation, fear or anxiety at the thought of communicating with in-laws. Pentheraphobia is experienced when someone feels fear for one’s mother-in-law. The main reason behind this fear exists in the frequently overstated imagination of in-law’s, which most of the times proves impractical. An amazingly huge number of newlywed women and men are looking for therapy to conquer this phobia.

4. Fear of beards: Pogonophobia

The term “Pogonophobia” is taken from the Greek word “pogono” which means “pertaining to beard” while the term “phobia” translates to “fear.” Some individuals assign negative characteristics of being wild, unhygienic or cruel to men having beards and are resisted by them. Definitely, gracefully coiffed beards in accordance with women’s likings are a dissimilar topic completely. There are a few women who have rejected eligible bachelors because of this phobia and even think men having facial hair to possess a distrustful streak of defiance and individuality.

5. Fearing Of Hearing Good News: Euphobia

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It is quite simple that everyone enjoys hearing good news and fears the bad ones, but here we are revealing a shocking information– individuals experiencing the euphobia avoid any type of good news. The root cause of this fear might be an anxiety of an elusive or deceptive part of nasty news prowling behind supposed “good news.” An individual, who is suffering from euphobia, envelops himself with pessimistic or negative perceptions deliberately. It is supposed that they may get benefit from behavioral therapy in order to develop optimism and confidence and.

6. Fear of long words: Sesquipedalophobia/Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia

The name is definitely long enough to surprise you a lot but that does not mean you are suffering from this syndrome. The name clearly comprises of a terrible 35 letters and stems its derivation from the root-word “sesquipedalian”, which translates to “long word.” The terms “hippopotamus” & “monsters” are merely combined with it in order to exaggerate its horror. Dreadful experiences with spelling contests or vocabulary in childhood and trouble to remember or rationally process multisyllabic words are a few reasons behind this phobia. In present day’s technology dependent society, most of the people who have left the routine of reading can partly grow this phobia.

7. Fear of beautiful women: Venustraphobia/Caligynephobia

Some individuals may experience uneasiness, anxiety, a constant fear and even depression while interacting with beautiful women. The main reason behind this phobia may be a disturbing occurrence in the past of opposing a good-looking female, low self-image or/and self-esteem, or an inferiority complex. This fear is also associated to TV and movies which show beautiful women and may influence the routine of the person in life and divert him from doing his work.

8. Fear of the number 666: Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia

“Six hundred threescore and six” or the number 666 is cited in Bible as the “number of the beast”. According to the Book of Revelation, individuals linked with this number were forced to experience terrible penalties. In music, fiction and literature, the malevolent of the no. 666 has left a stubborn mark. Most of the sinister, supernatural and gothic thrillers have recognized this inkling. The delusory dread of “the devil’s number” has produced many individuals uneasiness when came across with it. Highway 666 labeled as “the devil’s highway” was retitled as “Highway 491” in 2003.

A few individuals have faced restlessness while accommodating in a house carrying this number. Ronald Reagan, former President altered his Bel-Air address which carried the street no. 666 to 668.

9. Fear of wearing clothes: Vestiophobia

Vestiophobia is hatred to the sense of clothes on body. Individuals having this phobia favor to gear in very loose outfits or occasionally completely no garment. Disturbing occasions of being nibbled by insects (for example wasps and spiders) concealed in the crinkles of the garments are associated with vestiophobia. Occasionally, wearing hefty garments for a lengthy time may activate such a fear. The signs vary between a feeling of strangulation and suffocation, to panic, trembling and nausea.

10. Fear of spirits: Pneumatiphobia

Pneumatiphobia is a phobia of the paranormal which most of us experience to some degree. This fear may be sub-categorized into Wiccaphobia (fear of witches), Hadephobia or Stygiophobia (fear of hell), Satanophobia (fear of Satan), Bogyphobia (fear of bogeyman), Demonophobia (fear of demons), Phasmophobia (fear of ghosts) and Spectrophobia (fear of specters). The indications comprise of mental breakdown, nausea, panic attacks, sweating, paranoia and a sense of being persecuted or chased by spirits. Tales of werewolves, demons, ghouls, ghosts and other phantoms promoted by television, mythology and literature may exaggerate this phobia.
